Pinky Kumar wears the social justice warrior badge with pride. From
raccoon hospitals to persecuted rockstars, no cause is too esoteric
for her to champion. But a teeny tiny part of her also really
enjoys making her conservative, buttoned-up corporate lawyer
parents cringe.Samir Jha might have a few . . .quirks remaining
from the time he had to take care of his sick mother, like the
endless lists he makes in his planner and the way he schedules
every minute of every day, but those are good things. They make
life predictable and steady. Pinky loves lazy summers at her
parents' Cape Cod lake house, but after listening to them harangue
her about the poor decisions (aka boyfriends) she's made, she
hatches a plan.Get her sorta-friend-sorta-enemy - who is a total
Harvard-bound Mama's boy - to pose as her perfect boyfriend for the
summer. When Samir's internship falls through, leaving him with an
unplanned summer, he gets a text from Pinky asking if he'll be her
fake boyfriend in exchange for a new internship. He jumps at the
opportunity, Pinky's a freak, but he can survive a summer with her
if there's light at the end of the tunnel.As they bicker their way
through lighthouses and butterfly habitats, sparks fly, and they
both realize this will be a summer they'll never forget.
Slovenka Dara prežíva na Manhattane svoj americký sen a napriek
neľahkému životu cudzinca si naplno užíva zasľúbenú krajinu s jej
provokujúcou, špecifickou atmosférou. Život v uctievanom i
zatracovanom New Yorku je fascinujúci, no kto si doteraz myslel, že
Amerika je rajom na zemi, román mu otvorí oči. Bez príkras a s
dávkou humoru ilustruje americkú realitu, prácu, vzťahy,
zdravotníctvo... Keď Dara stretne Collina, muža svojho života,
udalosti naberú rýchly spád. Zamilovaná dvojica prežíva vzťah plný
vášne, krásnych prekvapení a malých zázrakov. Ich láska je
dokonalá, vzácna. A potom Dare zazvoní telefón. Do rúk vzala opraty
smrť a zamierila na nesprávne miesto. Mal to byť pekný život je
román osudový. Príťažlivý. Na jeden dych. Patria k nemu smiech aj
slzy, akoby sa s ním narodili. Vyvoláva súcit a spriaznenosť s
cudzím, a predsa tak blízkym osudom iného človeka. A je to príbeh
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