100 Pioneering Women presents a selection of images of remarkable
women , who have defied the expectations of their gender and made
extraordinary contributions to British life over the past four
centuries. An introduction from the Gallery’s Senior Curator of
Eighteenth Century Collections consider s the representation of
women in the Collection and the efforts being made to redress
historical imbalances through the acquisition of portraits of
notable women from the last four centuries . Extended captions
provide context about ea ch sitter’s life and work and remind us of
the impact of women in spheres as diverse as politics, science and
medicine, the arts, engineering and law. This book features some of
the National Portrait Gallery’s most famous sitters – Elizabeth I,
writer and women’s rights advocate Mary Wollstonecraft, scientist
Dorothy Hodgkin and architect and businesswoman Zaha Hadid – as
well as paintings and photographs of lesser - known women whose
influence is equally significant. A recently acquired portrait of
anti - FGM campaigner an d psychotherapist Leyla Hussein, a bromide
cabinet card of Helena Normanton, the first woman to prac tise as a
barrister in England, and a self - portrait by Angelica Kauffmann,
one of the founding member s of the Royal Academy , are also
included in this highly illustrated publication .
Slovenka Dara prežíva na Manhattane svoj americký sen a napriek
neľahkému životu cudzinca si naplno užíva zasľúbenú krajinu s jej
provokujúcou, špecifickou atmosférou. Život v uctievanom i
zatracovanom New Yorku je fascinujúci, no kto si doteraz myslel, že
Amerika je rajom na zemi, román mu otvorí oči. Bez príkras a s
dávkou humoru ilustruje americkú realitu, prácu, vzťahy,
zdravotníctvo... Keď Dara stretne Collina, muža svojho života,
udalosti naberú rýchly spád. Zamilovaná dvojica prežíva vzťah plný
vášne, krásnych prekvapení a malých zázrakov. Ich láska je
dokonalá, vzácna. A potom Dare zazvoní telefón. Do rúk vzala opraty
smrť a zamierila na nesprávne miesto. Mal to byť pekný život je
román osudový. Príťažlivý. Na jeden dych. Patria k nemu smiech aj
slzy, akoby sa s ním narodili. Vyvoláva súcit a spriaznenosť s
cudzím, a predsa tak blízkym osudom iného človeka. A je to príbeh
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