Illustration is applied imagination. But this book is not only
about illustration, though it does contain illustrations-lots of
them. But there's more.This book examines the profession of
illustrator, from the vexing subject of money to the question of
the right workplace. How do you get commissions? How do you
negotiate successfully? What's a fair price? How do you handle the
everyday routines involved in illustration work? And, of course, it
presents a wide variety of illustra- tion techniques. In short, it
makes an effort to enlighten, be useful and answer as many
questions as possible.Its author does so, on the one hand, by
offering more than twenty really useful tips for budding
illustrators-for example, how to stop the fear that a blank page
often inspires-and, on the other, by presenting the twenty-five
most important illustration techniques in a practical way that
awakens the reader's desire to learn more. As a parallel narrative
accompanying the humorous texts, there are images by very different
illustrators who work with a wide variety of techniques and styles.
These pictures are diverse yet easy to compare, because they all
show the same thing: a bird.
Slovenka Dara prežíva na Manhattane svoj americký sen a napriek
neľahkému životu cudzinca si naplno užíva zasľúbenú krajinu s jej
provokujúcou, špecifickou atmosférou. Život v uctievanom i
zatracovanom New Yorku je fascinujúci, no kto si doteraz myslel, že
Amerika je rajom na zemi, román mu otvorí oči. Bez príkras a s
dávkou humoru ilustruje americkú realitu, prácu, vzťahy,
zdravotníctvo... Keď Dara stretne Collina, muža svojho života,
udalosti naberú rýchly spád. Zamilovaná dvojica prežíva vzťah plný
vášne, krásnych prekvapení a malých zázrakov. Ich láska je
dokonalá, vzácna. A potom Dare zazvoní telefón. Do rúk vzala opraty
smrť a zamierila na nesprávne miesto. Mal to byť pekný život je
román osudový. Príťažlivý. Na jeden dych. Patria k nemu smiech aj
slzy, akoby sa s ním narodili. Vyvoláva súcit a spriaznenosť s
cudzím, a predsa tak blízkym osudom iného človeka. A je to príbeh
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