The extraordinary photographic content, testimonials from
celebrities such as Isabella Rossellini and Kate Hudson and the
curatorship of the celebrated french art director Fabien Baron make
this book the perfect way to celebrate the 20th birthday of the
men's fashion collection designed by Italy's most famous designer
duo. In 1990, the first fashion show for men's wear imposed such a
revolutionary way of restyling men's suits that, in the following
year, it won the Woolmark Prize for being the most innovative
collection of the year. In 2010, with their June fashion shows,
Dolce &, Gabbana are celebrating the fact that 20 years have
passed since that first, successful step into the world of ",pour
homme",. Since then, not only have great Hollywood stars flaunted
the famous shelf bras, lace underwear and shirts of the Italian
duo, but actors and singers like Dustin Hoffman and Bono also wear
their garments, both at gala events and in their free time.
Arguably the most influential designers of our time, Domenico Dolce
and Stefano Gabbana have dressed the world's leading celebrities.
This book celebrates 20 years of collections for men by this great
duo of fashion designers. It describes the most important
milestones and remembers the fashion shows and the advertising
campaigns, with exceptional testimonials from Gattuso and Matthew
Slovenka Dara prežíva na Manhattane svoj americký sen a napriek
neľahkému životu cudzinca si naplno užíva zasľúbenú krajinu s jej
provokujúcou, špecifickou atmosférou. Život v uctievanom i
zatracovanom New Yorku je fascinujúci, no kto si doteraz myslel, že
Amerika je rajom na zemi, román mu otvorí oči. Bez príkras a s
dávkou humoru ilustruje americkú realitu, prácu, vzťahy,
zdravotníctvo... Keď Dara stretne Collina, muža svojho života,
udalosti naberú rýchly spád. Zamilovaná dvojica prežíva vzťah plný
vášne, krásnych prekvapení a malých zázrakov. Ich láska je
dokonalá, vzácna. A potom Dare zazvoní telefón. Do rúk vzala opraty
smrť a zamierila na nesprávne miesto. Mal to byť pekný život je
román osudový. Príťažlivý. Na jeden dych. Patria k nemu smiech aj
slzy, akoby sa s ním narodili. Vyvoláva súcit a spriaznenosť s
cudzím, a predsa tak blízkym osudom iného človeka. A je to príbeh
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