BORA - hansgrohe is one of the world's most successful professional
cycling teams. 27 Men 10 Nations one Spirit provides a fascinating
behind-the-scenes look at the German team. What makes the riders
tick, and who plays what role? How does the team behind the team
work? How did the races go during the exciting 2018 season?
Powerful images make this book a thrilling tour-not just for
cycling fans.There are few sports as accessible as cycling. Whether
day races or big tours, hundreds of thousands of followers flock to
the roadside to watch the cyclists ride by. They come so close to
their idols that they can almost count the beads of sweat.A must
for all cycle fans, this illustrated book is as direct and
emotional as a roadside view. It presents each of BORA -
hansgrohe's riders up close and through very personal testimonies,
including the team's star and one of the most dazzling figures of
contemporary cycling: Slovak Peter Sagan. But Sagan's great
achievements would not have been possible as a one-man show.In
addition to his teammates many others contribute to BORA -
hansgrohe's success, from the physiotherapist to the cook. They,
too, share their experience from inside this phenomenal team.
Stunning race photos capture the riders through all the highs and
lows of the sport-the daring departures, the full speed sprints,
the falls and injuries, the exhaustion, the throngs of cheering
fans-as well as breathtaking locations.
Slovenka Dara prežíva na Manhattane svoj americký sen a napriek
neľahkému životu cudzinca si naplno užíva zasľúbenú krajinu s jej
provokujúcou, špecifickou atmosférou. Život v uctievanom i
zatracovanom New Yorku je fascinujúci, no kto si doteraz myslel, že
Amerika je rajom na zemi, román mu otvorí oči. Bez príkras a s
dávkou humoru ilustruje americkú realitu, prácu, vzťahy,
zdravotníctvo... Keď Dara stretne Collina, muža svojho života,
udalosti naberú rýchly spád. Zamilovaná dvojica prežíva vzťah plný
vášne, krásnych prekvapení a malých zázrakov. Ich láska je
dokonalá, vzácna. A potom Dare zazvoní telefón. Do rúk vzala opraty
smrť a zamierila na nesprávne miesto. Mal to byť pekný život je
román osudový. Príťažlivý. Na jeden dych. Patria k nemu smiech aj
slzy, akoby sa s ním narodili. Vyvoláva súcit a spriaznenosť s
cudzím, a predsa tak blízkym osudom iného človeka. A je to príbeh
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