30000 Years of Art Revised and Updated Edition

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30000 Years of Art Revised and Updated Edition kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
38,00 €
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Krátky popis
30,000 Years of Art is an accessible, chronological introduction to art history from 28,000 BC to the present day. Providing a truly global and comprehensive perspective, 30,000 Years of Art charts a course through art history that tracks seminal and lesser known works in all of the fields of both the fine and decorative arts. Featuring over 600 works across all media, from painting and sculpture to textile, metalwork, and ceramic, and updated to include new works from the 20th and 21st centuries, 30,000 Years of Art presents the defining moments, both big and small, of art history. Each entry is accompanied with informative texts written by 35 of the world's leading museum curators, academics and archaeologists providing insights into each work that clearly explain their importance. An illustrated timeline, full index and extensive glossary of schools and movements make 30,000 Years of Art, an indispensable addition to any art library. Features:– Updated to include over 25 new entries that expand the scope of the book further into the 21st century.– Includes 600 of the world’s greatest works of art across all media (painting, sculpture, textiles, metalwork, ceramics), ranging from seminal masterworks to lesser known pieces in both the fine and decorative arts. – Written by 35 of the world’s leading museum curators, academics and archaeologists and the easy-to-use chronological format featuring illustrated timelines, and a glossary of terms, schools and movements.
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