Bridges the gap between AI and neuroscience by telling the story of
how the brain came to be. 'I found this book amazing' Daniel
Kahneman, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and bestselling
author of Thinking Fast &,amp, Slow The entirety of the human
brain’s 4-billion-year story can be summarised as the culmination
of five evolutionary breakthroughs, starting from the very first
brains, all the way to the modern human brains. Each breakthrough
emerged from new sets of brain modifications, and equipped animals
with a new suite of intellectual faculties.These five breakthroughs
are the organising map to this book, and they make up our itinerary
for our adventure back in time. Each breakthrough also has
fascinating corollaries to breakthroughs in AI. Indeed, there will
be plenty of such surprises along the way.For instance: the
innovation that enabled AI to beat humans in the game of Go –
temporal difference reinforcement learning – was an innovation
discovered by our fish ancestors over 500 million years ago. The
solutions to many of the current mysteries in AI – such as ‘common
sense’ – can be found in the tiny brain of a mouse. Where do
emotions come from? Research suggests that they may have arisen
simply as a solution to navigation in ancient worm
brains.Unravelling this evolutionary story will reveal the hidden
features of human intelligence and with them, just how your mind
came to be.
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