A Child Through Time

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A Child Through Time kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
18,53 €
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We know all about history through the eyes of adults, but what about children? Journey through the lives of 30 everyday children from the Ice Age to modern times. A history book that helps kids today understand the lives of someone their age in the past - what they wore, the food they ate and the games they played. You will meet and discover the lives of the Aztecs, Romans and Vikings in their ancient empires and medieval castles, and many more! This educational book explores the often-overlooked lives of children in the past.This history of children book is filled with fun facts and includes specially commissioned illustrations of the children and maps of the places they lived. This educational book also explores the historic moments that children witnessed. A Child Through Time also includes visually stunning maps, timelines, and illustrations.Collections of archaeological objects have been thoroughly researched to make this book as historically accurate as possible. This history book for kids will provide an immersive reading experience and shape their perspective on the often-ignored topic of family life through the ages. A Child Through Time covers key curriculum topics in a new light.This visually stunning learning tool is perfect for children ages 7 and up. History Through the Eyes of Children Have you ever wondered how children lived in the past? A Child Through Time takes you on a historical journey through the eyes of children. Stunning Illustrations by Steve Moon bring each child to life.The book is packed full of maps, timelines and photographs which reveal fascinating facts about kids that lived in the past. Inside the pages of this history book, you'll find: - Get to know 30 children from early civilizations through to the modern period. - Read all about the childhoods of famous historical figures like Tutankhamun, Pocahontas, and Marie Antionette.- Explore the toys, games and food of everyday kids in the past.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Dorling Kindersley Ltd, Phil Wilkinson
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Mimi a Líza
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