A Childs Introduction to the Orchestra

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A Childs Introduction to the Orchestra kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
18,99 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
A Child's Introduction to the Orchestra is a fun and exciting musical journey. With cheery narrator Orchestra Bob as their guide, kids are encouraged to listen, learn, and enjoy as they are introduced to the most powerful works from the greatest composers throughout history. He tells wacky stories about deaf composers and quirky musicians, and explores the inspirations behind monumental pieces.Kids will also learn about each instrument of the orchestra from the cello to the timpani, as well as different musical styles from Baroque to Modern. Each step of the way, children can listen to musical examples of what they are learning about by downloading audio tracks from an exclusive website. Young readers will hear the sound of an actual violin as they study the instrument and enjoy the playful tune of a Mozart minuet as they read about the composer's precocious exploits as a child.Also included is a removable a poster of instruments and their location in the orchestra. Illustrated in exquisite and colorful detail with over 100 original drawings and photographs, this is the perfect introduction to the magical world of classical music.
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