A History of Modern Britain

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A History of Modern Britain kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
18,00 €
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Krátky popis
A History of Modern Britain by Andrew Marr confronts head-on the victory of shopping over politics. It tells the story of how the great political visions of New Jerusalem or a second Elizabethan Age, rival idealisms, came to be defeated by a culture of consumerism, celebrity and self-gratification. In each decade, political leaders think they know what they are doing, but find themselves confounded.Every time, the British people turn out to be stroppier and harder to herd than predicted. Throughout, Britain is a country on the edge - first of invasion, then of bankruptcy, then on the vulnerable front line of the Cold War and later in the forefront of the great opening up of capital and migration now reshaping the world. This history follows all the political and economic stories, but deals too with comedy, cars, the war against homosexuals, Sixties anarchists, oil-men and punks, Margaret Thatcher's wonderful good luck, political lies and the true heroes of British theatre.This edition also includes an extra chapter charting the course from Blair to Brexit.
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Nové vydanie románu 1984 - jedného z najznámejších diel svetovej literatúry. Spája v sebe prvky spoločensko-politického a vedecko-fantastického románu. Je obžalobou komunistickej diktatúry, ktorá roku 1984 ovládla všetko, vrátane ľudského myslenia. Román opisuje osudy čestného, citlivého a uvažujúceho jednotlivca (Winstona Smitha), ktorý sa vzoprie systému, za čo platí krutú daň. George Orwell touto knihou už roku 1948 ponúkol víziu, ktorá sa neskôr stala realitou.