A Pitying of Doves

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A Pitying of Doves kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
9,03 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
With murder, everyone pays a price ...Why would a killer ignore expensive jewellery and take a pair of turtledoves as the only bounty?This is only one of the questions that piques Chief Inspector Domenic Jejeune’s interest after a senior attaché with the Mexican Consulate is found murdered alongside the director of a local bird sanctuary. The fact that the director’s death has opened up a full-time research position studying birds hasn’t eluded Jejeune either. Could this be the escape from policing that the celebrated detective has been seeking? Even if it is, Jejeune knows he owes it to the victims to solve the case first. But a trail that weaves from embittered aviary owners to suspicious bird sculptors only seems to be leading him farther from the truth. Meanwhile, Jejeune is discovering that diplomatic co-operation and diplomatic pressure go hand in hand.With two careers hanging in the balance, the stakes have never been higher for Inspector Jejeune. And this time, even bringing a killer to justice may not provide the closure he’s looking for.
Výber kníh autorov Point Black , Steve Burrows

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Point Black, Steve Burrows
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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Naše tipy

Nové vydanie románu 1984 - jedného z najznámejších diel svetovej literatúry. Spája v sebe prvky spoločensko-politického a vedecko-fantastického románu. Je obžalobou komunistickej diktatúry, ktorá roku 1984 ovládla všetko, vrátane ľudského myslenia. Román opisuje osudy čestného, citlivého a uvažujúceho jednotlivca (Winstona Smitha), ktorý sa vzoprie systému, za čo platí krutú daň. George Orwell touto knihou už roku 1948 ponúkol víziu, ktorá sa neskôr stala realitou.