A Strange Kind of Brave

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Krátky popis
What doesn't kill you makes you ... stronger? A poignant and gripping story about the power of fear, the resilience of love and the magic of food - from bestselling Waterstones Children's Book Prize shortlisted author Sarah Moore Fitzgerald. ",Gripping, with an incredible twist that you simply won't see coming", - Louise O'Neill",This tale of friendship, betrayal, love, loss, revenge and obsession, written by a master storyteller, is quite literally unputdownable", - Donal Ryan, Booker Prize shortlisted author",I thought I had my top ten favourite novels decided, but now I think it will need some reworking, because A Strange Kind of Brave definitely deserves a place", - Sadb, aged 16Jake McCormack is the villain of Clanfedden.He's just killed a boy - deliberately run him over with his truck, on the bridge, in front of everyone. And he knows he'll get away with it. Luca, 14, is the new boy in town.He's looking for a fresh start after a terrible thing that happened at his old school. Clanfedden is a small forgotten town, but Luca and his mum are going to give it a go. They're opening an exciting restaurant, and Allie Redmond is coming to work there.Allie is honest and kind and Luca knows they're going to be friends. Allie has lived in Clanfedden all her life and these should be happy days - Luca is the best thing to have happened in years. But she's haunted by shadows of her own, and more than anyone she knows the danger of Jake McCormack.She needs to warn Luca. She needs to prevent disaster. At least she needs to try...
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Naše tipy

Koruna z temnoty (Trón zo skla 2)
Boj o záchranu kráľovstva sa v románe Trón zo skla len začal. Koruna z temnoty je očakávané a napínavé pokračovanie jednej z najpopulárnejších fantasy sérii dneška! Osemnásťročná Celaena Sardothien je odvážna, statočná i krásna - dokonalá kombinácia pre najnebezpečnejšiu nájomnú vrahyňu a mladú dámu, ktorá dokáže zlomiť srdce nejedného muža. No aj keď porazila súperov v nezmyselnom kráľovom turnaji a stala sa jeho osobnou popravčou čatou, nezískala ani náznak slobody. Otročenie v soľných baniach bolo v porovnaní so službou kráľovi prechádzka ružovou záhradou. Kráľ, ktorý zo skleneného trónu vládne pevným žezlom, je totiž najzlovestnejším a neporaziteľným nepriateľom celého kráľovstva. Kráľovstvom otriasajú správy o vzburách otrokov a v uliciach Riftholdu sa šepká o povstaní. Celaena dostane za úlohu vznikajúcu revolúciu krvavo potlačiť. Ale ako môže bojovať proti vzbúrencom, keď s nimi súhlasí? Pridá sa k povstalcom za cenu životov svojich najbližších? Neľútostná nájomná vrahyňa sa nezastaví pred ničím - ale kráľ Adarlanu tiež nie...