A World Full of Nature Stories

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A World Full of Nature Stories kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
18,95 €
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This beautiful book of stories takes readers on a journey with 50 tales, featuring themes of nature from all around the world. Sit back, get comfortable and delve into this beautifully-illustrated collection of beloved nature stories from every corner of the globe. This rich resource collects together folk tales from home and legends and myths from distant lands to commemorate the animals, plants and the changing seasons that make planet Earth so beautiful.The folktales and fables in this book will capture imaginations and take readers on a journey around the world. Learn about:The Peruvian tale of Cuniraya and the Magic Fruit, The story of how lightning began according to an ancient Khasi folk tale from India,From Ireland, the story of The Bee, the Mouse and the Beetle, The Master of the Winds in the ancient Iroquois story of The Four Winds, Paul Bunyan, the giant lumberjack from North American folklore, and Spain's Queen of the Flowers, who is brought to life one night by a magical fairy. Lively retellings from best-selling author Angela McAllister are brought to life withbeautiful illustrations from Hannah Bess Ross, in this nature anthology to treasure for a lifetime.For story lovers young and old this is the perfect gift for all the family and nature lovers everywhere. The World Full of... series is a collection of beautiful hardback story treasuries.Discover folktales from all around the world or be introduced to some of the world's best-loved writers with these stunning gift books, the perfection addition to any child's library. Also available from the series: A Year Full of Stories, A Stage Full of Shakespeare Stories, A World Full of Dickens Stories, A World Full of Spooky Stories, A Year Full of Celebrations and Festivals and A Bedtime Full of Stories.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Angela McAllister, Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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