The end of the Second World War signalled the rapid end of the
European African empires. In 1945, only four African countries were
independent, by 1963, thirty African states created the
Organization of African Unity. Despite formidable problems, the
1960s were a time of optimism as Africans enjoyed their new
independence, witnessed increases in prosperity and prepared to
tackle their political and economic problems in their own way. By
the 1990s, however, the high hopes of the 1960s had been dashed.
Dictatorship by strongmen, corruption, civil wars and genocide,
widespread poverty and the interventions and manipulations of the
major powers had all relegated Africa to the position of an aid
'basket case', with some of the world's poorest and least-developed
nations. By exploring developments over the last fifteen years,
including the impact of China, new IT technology and the Arab
Spring, the rise of Nigeria as Africa's leading country and the
recent refugee crisis, Guy Arnold brings his landmark history of
modern Africa up to date and provides a fresh and insightful
perspective on this troubled and misunderstood continent.
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