After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine

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After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine kúpite na
21,38 €
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A strange thesis becomes one professor’s reality when he’s transmigrated to the past and awakens as a doomed prince in this hit danmei (Boys’ Love)! When an outrageous thesis hits the desk of esteemed history professor Jiang Suizhou, his initial reaction is pure skepticism. Dubiously sourced, this thesis tells the story of the legendary General Huo Wujiu, a man renowned for his valor—that is, until he was captured. Stripped of his rank and incapacitated, the general suffered further humiliation by serving as a gift and concubine to his enemy’s brother—the cut-sleeve prince. For three grueling years, Huo Wujiu lived as a prisoner until he finally escaped and sought vengeance against those who dared to torment him. Convinced this story is purely fiction, Jiang Suizhou brands the thesis a failure–does his student think he was born yesterday?! But Jiang Suizhou quickly learns that it was no mere tall tale when he wakes up as the cut-sleeve prince himself! Now, stuck lording over his concubine and prisoner, Huo Wujiu, Jiang Suizhou must navigate a treacherous imperial court and avoid the general’s future wrath–lest he wind up with his head dangling from the turrets. His only option? Ally himself with Huo Wujiu. Using his vast knowledge of history, the clever professor devises strategies to shield the incapacitated former general, all while treating him with the utmost care. Yet, Jiang Suizhou’s strategy could backfire if Huo Wujiu were to get the wrong idea about his intentions…
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