An Atlas of Es Devlin

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An Atlas of Es Devlin kúpite na
104,50 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
The first monograph on one of the great talents of our time, encapsulating a career that has moved seamlessly between set design, sculpture and architecture. Artist and designer Es Devlin's outstanding works have challenged standard ideas about stagecraft and its role in society. Straddling the fields of art, opera, dance, theatre, fashion and music, her practice engenders innovative forms of kinetic sculpture.Her designs have filled millions of people with wonder: from the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympics ceremonies to astonishing set designs for touring superstars, as well as opera and ballet productions in Europe's major cities. An Atlas of Es Devlin examines the changing nature and scale of Devlin's work - from solitary, contemplative pieces to collective, stadium-sized experiences - through extensive process work (sketches, behind-the-scenes photographs, etc) in order to highlight and celebrate the unique breadth of her output. More than sixty projects are featured from across the globe, finishing with her design for the UK Pavilion at the Dubai Expo in 2021.Thematic texts on Devlin's work are interleaved with interviews with those who have worked with Devlin in the worlds of theatre, opera, architecture, pop music, design and art, including stellar names such as Sam Mendes, Bjarke Ingels, Anna Wintour and Benedict Cumberbatch. An Atlas of Es Devlin is both a monograph on an incomparable talent whose work connects with popular audiences and a true source of inspiration for design professionals and students.
Výber kníh autorov Thames & Hudson Ltd , Es Devlin

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