Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Egypt kúpite na
20,50 €
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Krátky popis
Learn all about ancient Egypt, from everyday life to the afterlife, in this ultimate guide. Explore the everyday lives of ancient Egyptians, from farming alongside the mighty River Nile to worshipping powerful gods and goddesses, in this history book for children aged 9-12. Discover why cats were seen as sacred animals, how magnificent tombs were protected from robbers, and why the elite of Egyptian society wore wigs.Pore over breathtaking images, incredible artefacts and unique illustrations, and travel back in time to this incredible civilisation. This ancient Egypt book for children offers: Beautiful illustrations and photography from the top ancient Egypt collections. Fantastic facts and the latest finds from an expert Egyptologist.Information on what life in ancient Egypt was really like – from wearing wigs and green eyeshadow to playing games in the street and sleeping on the roof. How do you read hieroglyphics? Which Egyptian god made the Sun rise and set? What games did children enjoy playing? Why did both male and female pharaohs wear false beards? Find out in this ultimate guide to ancient Egypt, perfect for children who love history and mythology.
Výber kníh autorov DK , Dorling Kindersley Ltd

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