Annie Leibovitz David Byrne

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Annie Leibovitz David Byrne kúpite na
7 125,00 €
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When Benedikt Taschen asked the most important portrait photographer working today to collect her pictures in a SUMO-sized book, she was intrigued and challenged. The project took several years to develop and proved to be revelatory. Leibovitz drew from over 40 years of work, starting with the viscerally intimate reportage she created for Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970s and extending through the more stylized portraiture of her work for&,nbsp,Vanity Fair&,nbsp,and&,nbsp,Vogue. Celebrated images such as John Lennon and Yoko Ono entwined in a last embrace are printed alongside portraits that have rarely, and sometimes never before, been seen. Annie Leibovitz was able to present some of her famous group portraits in a format that proves that she is the master of the genre. Her pictures are at once intimate and iconic, wide-ranging stylistically and also uniquely hers. Annie Leibovitz is often imitated, particularly by younger photographers, but her work is somehow immediately recognizable.The bookends of the Leibovitz collection are the black-and-white photograph of Richard Nixon’s helicopter lifting off from the White House lawn after he resigned as president in 1974 and the formal color portrait of Queen Elizabeth II taken in a drawing room of Buckingham Palace in 2007. In between are portraits that make up a family album of our time: actors, dancers, comedians, musicians, artists, writers, performance artists, journalists, athletes, businesspeople. Performance and power are recurring themes. A supplementary book contains essays by Annie Leibovitz, Graydon Carter, Hans Ulrich Obrist, and Paul Roth and short texts describing the subjects of each of the over 250 photographs.The Collector’s Edition is available in&,nbsp,four different dust jackets:Whoopi Goldberg, Berkeley, California, 1984 Keith Haring, New York City, 1986 David Byrne, Los Angeles, 1986 Patti Smith, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1978Limited to a total of 10,000 signed and numbered copies, this book is available as Collector’s Edition (No. 1,001–10,000) and also as&,nbsp,Art Edition(No. 1–1,000 with a fine art print, signed by Annie Leibovitz, and the full set of all four dust jackets.Both editions come with a tripod book stand designed by Marc Newson. ",How do you do it, Annie?",Annie Leibovitz interviewed by Sharon deLano and Reuel Golden. Click here to read! The photographer:Annie Leibovitz&,nbsp,has been a working photographer for 40 years. She was the chief photographer for&,nbsp,Rolling Stone&,nbsp,and then the first contributing photographer for the revived&,nbsp,Vanity Fair. In addition to her editorial work at&,nbsp,Vanity Fair, and later at&,nbsp,Vogue, she has created several award-winning advertising campaigns. She has been designated a Living Legend by the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.The authors:Steve Martin&,nbsp,is a celebrated comedian, actor, writer, and musician. In 2010, he published the novel&,nbsp,An Object of Beauty.Graydon Carter&,nbsp,has been the editor of&,nbsp,Vanity Fair&,nbsp,since 1992.Hans Ulrich Obrist&,nbsp,is the co-director of exhibitions and programmes and director of international projects at the Serpentine Gallery in London.Paul Roth&,nbsp,is the director of the Ryerson Image Centre in Toronto.

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