Art of Assassins Creed Unity

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Art of Assassins Creed Unity kúpite na
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With 73 million units sold worldwide, Ubisoft’s&,nbsp,Assassin’s Creed&,nbsp,franchise is established as one of the best-selling game series ever. Recognized for having some of the richest, most-engrossing art and storytelling in the industry,&,nbsp,Assassin’s Creed&,nbsp,transcends video games, branching into other entertainment experiences including comic books, novels, short films and an impressive merchandise line-up.&,nbsp,The recently announced&,nbsp,Assassin’s Creed Unity&,nbsp,takes players into the heart of the French Revolution. Marrying intricately detailed environments and next-gen capabilities, Paris comes to life around you and immerses you in the grit and grime of a city in turmoil. Continuing in the footsteps of this already world-renowned franchise,&,nbsp,Assassin’s Creed Unity&,nbsp,brings to life a time of unrest and disorder in one of the greatest cities in the world, promising to be the biggest and best experience yet.&,nbsp,Highlights in the game, and in the book, include the different areas of Paris, each with their own identity and population, towering buildings bigger than any&,nbsp,Assassin’s Creed&,nbsp,game so far and an amazing range of locations and action.© 2014 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft in the U.S. and/or other countries.
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