Art Year by Year
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21,80 €
21,80 €
(dodanie do 3 dní)
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Travel through time to discover the paintings, sculptures, and
decorative objects that enrich our world. Are you seeking a
lavishly illustrated timeline that showcases a glorious gallery of
art from all around the world? Then Art Year By Year may be the
book for you! Over 500 images of art movements such as the
Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Impressionism, and Pop Art are explored
and explained, accompanied by striking visual detail that truly
brings the artwork to life. Further featuring biographies of the
key figures behind some of the world's best-known artworks, from
Botticelli and Hiroshige to Goncharova and Morisot, Art Year By
Year has something for everyone to admire. With passion in every
page, you can explore: - Feature panels discussing artists, art
movements, and techniques - Specific works of art analysed, with
details pulled out and explained - Pages that explore a single
theme through time and across different cultures - Inspiring quotes
from artists add insight With every story plotted on a timeline,
the pages give a snapshot of each era, and reveal the influences
and connections behind the artworks and artistic movements that
have reflected our world. With more than 500 images of paintings,
drawings, photographs, and sculptures, Art Year by Year is the
ultimate visual guide to the history of art, century by century,
year by year! A must-have art book for children and adults alike
who are curious about art, whether you're an educator, an art
enthusiast, or a lover of creativity seeking to explore some of the
greatest known artworks throughout history, Art Year By Year is
sure to delight.