. reveals an insidious matrix of spying, deception, censorship and
repression . . . compelling' Daily Telegraph'A timely read . . .
Chilling . . . Startling . . . A powerful case for more coordinated
western intervention' Guardian'Brilliant' Irish Sunday
IndependentThe remarkable story of China's two-decade quest for
global dominance.For several decades China's ascendancy has been
supported by an astonishingly broad and deep portfolio of quiet
coercion. Stories of the Chinese Communist Party's authoritarian
reach are breathtaking - the gagging of sports stars and huge
Western brands, Hollywood self-censorship, infrastructure deals in
exchange for political loyalty in multilateral organizations, and
of course - communications firms. But these are just the most
visible examples.Beijing Rules exposes the armoury of strategies
with which China has exploited Western weakness to position itself
as leader in the game of nations: tying market access to political
acquiescence, punitive tariffs, online disinformation operations,
use of private companies to spy on global users, leveraging
vaccines for geopolitical gain, and the crushing of democracy in
Hong Kong. With these weapons and dextrous manoeuvrings during the
global pandemic, China positioned itself to take its place at the
apex of world powers.Bethany Allen, an internationally recognized
investigator into China's covert power, shows Western institutions
have bowed to and even enabled Beijing's coercion. As we come
reeling out of a global pandemic and eyes are on a new war in
Europe, this revealing analysis sounds the alarm about the most
significant shift in the new world order, and what we must do to
prevent the loss of freedoms we take for granted.
Tretí diel najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo skla v
hlavnej úlohe s najobávanejšou nájomnou vrahyňou Celaenou
Sardothien!Celaena sa už vysporiadala s nebezpečnými protivníkmi i
so srdcom rozlámaným na márne kúsky. Teraz myslí len na pomstu, no
ako kráľova šampiónka musí slúžiť podlému tyranovi, ktorý má všetko
na svedomí. Kapitán kráľovskej gardy ju však vyšle do Wendlynu
netušiac, že Celaenina minulosť aj budúcnosť sa skrýva práve v
ďalekom kráľovstve férov. Pomoc férskej kráľovnej má však privysokú
cenu... Kým Celaena vo Wendlyne bojuje s démonmi minulosti, v
Erilei sa na útok pripravujú nebezpečné sily. Chaol a Dorian sa
púšťajú do boja s temnotou, akú nečakali ani v najhorších nočných
morách. Obávané bosorky sa totiž spolčili s tyranským kráľom a
krvilačná Manon sa nezastaví, kým pred ňou nebude celá Erilea
kľačať na kolenách. Ak dokáže Celaena prekonať samú seba, stane sa
najväčšou hrozbou pre kráľa a jeho zem – ale aj pre seba.
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