Black Blood - Sollena Dyvina

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Black Blood - Sollena Dyvina kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
3,06 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Rebecca Jannette Cross, better known as Reb, has just one wish in life: becoming a successful journalist.Hazycreek, the small town where she was born, has nothing left to offer her and determined more than ever decides to start working on the article that will lead her to the top. But she has not come to terms with the dark side of what appears to be a small joyful town.Those stories that have been passed down over the centuries, maybe, are something more than urban legends and the truth, sometimes, is not like it is told.Will Rebecca succeed in shedding light on the secrets that slowly are coming to the surface? And will her heart clear up or will it be trapped in between reality and fantasy?Rebecca still doesn’t know but her life is about to change...“Sometimes you get angry when you have something to hide. And when you have something to hide it means secrets are real.” Rebecca Janette Cross, Reb for friends, is an ambitious journalist, determined to find the news that will lead her to write a sensational article, with which she’ll reach the success and be able to leave Hazycreek, the town that saw her birth.When she’ll sneak in the mansion of the feared Winterbourne, she’ll meet the obscure and charming Sebastian, the only son heir of the powerful dynasty. The young man, with his seducing charme and mastery of not answering Reb’s questions, will manage to break all the certainties the girl had on what she thought she knew about her fellow citizens, leading her to start a grueling battle with herself.Hovering between the blinding, as well as inexplicable, passion for Sebastian and the certainty that something darkly malignant is moving in between Hazycreek’s citizens, Reb will seek for an answer to all of her questions that instead of being solved are increasing more and more.A struggle between body and mind, heart and reason, right and wrong will challenge her beliefs and her toughness in solving her town’s mystery. And when she’ll discover the truth behind those secrets, Rebecca’s life won’t ever be the same.
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