Black Teacher

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Black Teacher kúpite na
16,10 €
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Krátky popis
The rediscovered classic: a trailblazing Guyanese woman's memoir of post-war London, introduced by Bernardine Evaristo ('full of wit, perceptiveness, humour and compassion')Benjamin Zephaniah: 'A must-read. Her life makes you laugh. Her life makes you cry.Get to know her.'Jacqueline Wilson: 'A superb but shocking memoir ... Imaginative, resilient and inspiring.'Steve McQueen: 'Gilroy blazed a path that empowered generations of Black British educators.'David Lammy: 'This empowering tale of courage, resistance, and triumph is a breath of fresh air.'Diana Evans: 'Important, enlightening and very entertaining, full of real-life drama ... Inspirational.'Paul Mendez: 'Written with a novelist's ear and sense of atmosphere ...A vital and unique testament.'Jeffrey Boakye: 'A landmark. Warm and wise ... Life lessons we can all learn from.' Alex Wheatle: 'A pioneer in many fields and wonderful example for all of us ...Essential reading.'Christie Watson: 'A beautiful memoir of one woman's strength and dignity against the odds.'Denied teaching jobs due to the colour bar. Working in an office amidst the East End's bombsites. Serving as a lady's maid to an Empire-loving aristocrat.Raising two children in suburbia. Becoming one of the first black headteachers in Britain. In 1952, Beryl Gilroy moved from British Guiana to London.Her new life wasn't what she expected - but her belief in education resulted in a revolutionary career. Black Teacher, her memoir, is a rediscovered classic: not only a rare insight into the Windrush generation, but a testament to how her dignity, ambition and spirit transcended her era. **WATERSTONES PICK: JULY'S BEST BOOKS**Reader Reviews:'Incredibly important ...Such an interesting read, and I am so glad that it is being republished.''Wonderful and insightful. I really, thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.''Eye-opening ... A powerful reminder of how far we have come ...Beautifully written ... I wish everyone could have a teacher like Beryl!''Really lovely, and a surprisingly quick read ... I wish I could have met her.''A great piece of history [with] so much relevance even today as it touches upon issues of race, education and female empowerment.''Excellent [on] what it was really like for the Windrush Generation...Highly recommended.'

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Bernardine Evaristo, Faber & Faber, Beryl Gilroy
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Najočakávanejšia epická fantasy sága roka! V krajine bez akejkoľvek mágie, kde vládne krutý kráľ, je na kráľovský dvor povolaná najnebezpečnejšia nájomná vrahyňa. Prichádza, aby získala späť svoju slobodu, nie aby zabila kráľa. Ak v turnaji porazí dvadsaťtri nájomných vrahov, zlodejov a žoldnierov, prepustia ju z väzenia a po štvorročnej službe ako kráľova šampiónka získa späť svoju slobodu. Jej meno je Celaena Sardothien. Korunný princ si Celaenu na túto úlohu najal a je jej jediným spojencom. Kapitán kráľovskej gardy je zas jej pravým ochrancom. V komnatách a chodbách Zámku zo skla sa však schováva niečo oveľa nebezpečnejšie... A keď začne Celaeniných protivníkov niekto po jednom likvidovať, jej zápas o slobodu sa mení na boj o holé prežitie. Tajomný nepriateľ sa totiž neuspokojí, kým nebude ležať celý svet v troskách.