Blade Runner 2019 Vol 1 B&W Art Edition

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Blade Runner 2019 Vol 1 B&W Art Edition kúpite na
32,25 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

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A 128-page collection of the black and white artwork from the smash-hit, critically acclaimed Blade Runner 2019 comic series drawn by artist, Andres Guinaldo, collecting together issues #1- 4 of the Los Angeles arc. This collection of Andres Guinaldo's artwork, previously unpublished in this form, includes never-before-seen layouts, roughs, thumbnails, sketches and cover roughs, giving a unique glimpse into the process of the artist. The collection also includes an interview between Andres and the writers Michael Green (screenplay writer of Blade Runner 2049, Logan, and Murder on the Orient Express) and Mike Johnson (New York Times-bestselling writer of Star Trek, Transformers, Superman/Batman and Picard).
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Praktický sprievodca mestom rozdelený na 11 okruhov. Titul je aktualizovaný každý rok.