Blood of the Celts: The New Ancestral Story

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Blood of the Celts: The New Ancestral Story kúpite na
13,25 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

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The heritage of the Celts turns up from Portugal to Romania, from Scotland to Spain. Yet debate continues about who exactly were the Celts, where ultimately they came from, and whether the modern Celtic-speakers of the British Isles and Brittany are related to the Continental Celts we know from ancient history. So a fresh approach is needed.Blood of the Celts meets this challenge, pulling together evidence from genetics, archaeology, history and linguistics in an accessible and illuminating way, taking the reader on a voyage of discovery from the origins of the ancient Celts to the modern Celtic Revival, with some startling results.
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Praktický sprievodca mestom rozdelený na 11 okruhov. Titul je aktualizovaný každý rok.