Blossom Thoughts - Poralkar Hemlata

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Blossom Thoughts - Poralkar Hemlata kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
4,01 €
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About the book: This is a poetic collection book. Words have a power and this poetry book is based on it. With this belief of poetess what she feels, experiences and imagines pour in a deep sense. A rays of hope, love, happiness, determination, courage, belief and ambition is liberating from poem. Each word of poem is our thought's mirror image. So, poetess assures from her side that inspiration is within self and we try to explore it. It makes in more adjective form but connects directly to human reality and we feel it with companion. "Poetry, is a running thoughts, gives edge to life." "World is full of words and we born to grasp it." To know more about poetess visit facebook.About the author: BLOSSOM THOUGHTS Hemlata Poralkar, a Science graduate student and her love for books started at childhood makes her voracious creative in a senseand diversifed vision. She describes herself by penning own quote-" I am a kind of bunch of flower, who loves diversity of fragrance always."She loves art, reading, writing, painting, playing, singing, talking, nature, travelling specially historical places and trekking.She believes that we should try all the things and don't say "It is not belongs to me further love it, do it and see it." Her confidence andself-believeness is like a third eye to tackle a failure. With higher education her passion for reading and writing always in a pocket. Though being a Science student she has interest agoglyin a History and Polity to connect with humanity.She writes in a fiction manner but closely related with human society. Marathi, English and Hindi is a language for her to write.She has participated in many Poetry Competitions and writes for many platforms like Storymirror, YourQuote, Pratilipi etc.She has written in a Marathi Magazine also.
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Mimi a Líza
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