BMW Milestones

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BMW Milestones kúpite na
56,95 €
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Krátky popis
Michael Köckritz, the editor of the internationally acclaimed automotive culture magazine ramp, has now turned his attention to one of the most prestigious German car brands: BMW. In his customary detailed manner, he guides his readers through all the significant points of the company's history in his latest coffee table book, BMW Milestones. He showcases the most significant and innovative 40 models, presented in chronological order and enriched with intriguing background information.The 3 Series, 5 Series, and 7 Series are covered, along with the popular M models, as well as the luxury and racing models. Starting from the early combustion engines, he progresses through automotive history to the latest electric vehicles. Naturally, this immense book shines with phenomenal photographs of each model.Köckritz skilfully portrays the cars, evoking the exact feeling that the well-known slogan of the car brand proclaims: ",Sheer Driving Pleasure.",For all BMW enthusiasts who have always wanted to know more about their favourite car, BMW Milestones is the perfect coffee table book. Those who want to dive into the history and heritage of Bayerische Motorenwerke will find in Köckritz's latest volume an exciting collection of facts, extraordinary stories, and photographs. Text in English and German.
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Mimi a Líza
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