From #1 New York Times bestselling author Vi Keeland comes a
steamy, standalone billionaire office romance – featuring a
never-before-seen chapter in this stunning new edition. After Chase
Parker crashes Reese's awful blind date and gives her something to
smile about, she expects she'll never see him again...until it
turns out he's her brand new boss. ***He’s her billionaire
boss.She’s his weakness. Reese Annesley was hiding in the bathroom
hallway of a restaurant leaving a message for her best friend to
save her from her awful date, when a gorgeous stranger overhears
and offers her some dating advice. She proceeds to tell him to mind
his own damn business – his own tall, handsome, full-of-himself
damn business – and goes back to her miserable date, though she
can’t help but sneak hidden glances at the condescending jerk on
the other side of the room.Of course, he catches her – and winks.
When Chase Parker and his equally hot date suddenly appear at
Reese’s table, she’s sure he’s going to rat her out. But instead,
he pretends he and Reese are old friends and joins them, telling
elaborate, embarrassing stories about their fake childhood.And her
date suddenly goes from boring to bizarrely exciting. After they
part ways, Reese finds herself thinking about Chase more than she
wants to admit, even though she knows she’ll never see him again.
What are the chances in a city with eight million people?Then
again…what are the chances a month later, he’d wind up being her
new boss?Bossman delivers heat and humour with an irresistible
office love/hate story for fans of spicy billionaire romance
books.TropesBillionaire RomanceOffice RomanceSpicy RomanceAlpha
Boj o záchranu kráľovstva sa v románe Trón zo skla len začal.
Koruna z temnoty je očakávané a napínavé pokračovanie jednej z
najpopulárnejších fantasy sérii dneška! Osemnásťročná Celaena
Sardothien je odvážna, statočná i krásna - dokonalá kombinácia pre
najnebezpečnejšiu nájomnú vrahyňu a mladú dámu, ktorá dokáže zlomiť
srdce nejedného muža. No aj keď porazila súperov v nezmyselnom
kráľovom turnaji a stala sa jeho osobnou popravčou čatou, nezískala
ani náznak slobody. Otročenie v soľných baniach bolo v porovnaní so
službou kráľovi prechádzka ružovou záhradou. Kráľ, ktorý zo
skleneného trónu vládne pevným žezlom, je totiž najzlovestnejším a
neporaziteľným nepriateľom celého kráľovstva. Kráľovstvom otriasajú
správy o vzburách otrokov a v uliciach Riftholdu sa šepká o
povstaní. Celaena dostane za úlohu vznikajúcu revolúciu krvavo
potlačiť. Ale ako môže bojovať proti vzbúrencom, keď s nimi
súhlasí? Pridá sa k povstalcom za cenu životov svojich najbližších?
Neľútostná nájomná vrahyňa sa nezastaví pred ničím - ale kráľ
Adarlanu tiež nie...
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