Boys in the Valley

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Krátky popis
'THE MOST FRIGHTENING NOVEL OF THE YEAR' Esquire'OLD-SCHOOL HORROR' Stephen King The Exorcist meets Lord of the Flies, by way of Midnight Mass, Boys in the Valley is a chilling folk horror set in a remote orphanage in turn of the century Pennsylvania.St. Vincent's Orphanage for Boys. Turn of the century, in a remote valley in Pennsylvania. Here, under the watchful eyes of several priests, thirty boys work, learn, and worship. Peter Barlow, orphaned as a child by a gruesome murder, has made a new life here. As he approaches adulthood, he has friends, a future. . . a family. Then, late one stormy night, a group of men arrive at their door, one of whom is badly wounded, occult symbols carved into his flesh. His death releases an ancient evil that spreads like sickness, infecting St. Vincent's and the children within. Soon, boys begin acting differently, forming groups. Taking sides. Others turn up dead. Now Peter and those dear to him must choose sides of their own, each of them knowing their lives - and perhaps their eternal souls - are at risk.Praise for Boys in the Valley:'The terror's exquisite. Fracassi's got his hand on the chisel going into your chest' Stephen Graham Jones, author of The Only Good Indians'Fracassi makes terror read so damn beautifully' Victor LaValle, author of The Changeling'An unrelenting and highly entertaining show of horrors' Thomas Olde Heuvelt, author of Hex'A smart and deftly-written tale instilled with the kind of creeping, claustrophobic horror I enjoy' Nick Cutter, author of The Troop'As poignant as it is chilling, with a fast-paced, unflinching ending' Alma Katsu, author of The Hunger'The most unsettling novel I have read all year. Cold dread clings to every page' Ronald Malfi, author of Black Mouth'Harrowing and claustrophobic' Christopher Golden, author of Road of Bones'Fracassi. . . builds his horrific tales slowly and carefully...he's especially skilful at creating, and sustaining, suspense' The New York Times'Gut-wrenching, heart breaking, and terrifying' Andy Davidson, author of The Boatman's Daughter'Horror readers will be hooked' Publishers Weekly'A riveting, and horrifying, tale of survival set against a punishing and vivid backdrop.' Victor LaValle'Fracassi. . . brings a depth of understanding to his monsters, human and otherwise' Guardian'Fracassi's storytelling is. . . horror with a big, broken heart' Esquire'His range, prolific output, and fast-paced prose are all set to put him on the shelf next to names such as King, Straub, and Thomas Harris' Signal Horizon

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Philip Fracassi, Little, Brown Book Group
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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