British Museum: The Curse of the Tomb Robbers (An Ancient Egyptian Puzzle Mystery)

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British Museum: The Curse of the Tomb Robbers (An Ancient Egyptian Puzzle Mystery) kúpite na
15,10 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Learn how to read hieroglyphs in this compelling puzzle adventure story, publishing 200 years after the Rosetta Stone was deciphered! Written by award-winning author Andy Seed, in consultation with experts at the British Museum, and sumptuously illustrated in colour by highly acclaimed artist James Weston Lewis. When ancient Egyptian friends, Nub and Iteti, overhear a gang of tomb robbers plotting to raid Queen Neith's tomb, they set off on a quest to stop them. But there are lots of clues and puzzles to solve along the way, from a suspicious list of hieroglyphic words found in the marketplace to a confusing maze across the River Nile. Will they get there in time to stop the robbers unleashing a terrible curse? And who was behind the evil plot all along? With breathtaking artwork, fascinating facts about ancient Egypt and a fold-out guide at the back of the book which explains how to read hieroglyphs and contains an easy-to-use hieroglyphic dictionary, this is the perfect book for children who love history and hair-raising adventures. Featuring hieroglyphic messages, mazes, logic puzzles and more, children will enjoy immersing themselves in ancient Egypt and taking part in the story. A page of solutions is included at the end of the book.
Výber kníh autora Seed Andy

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Výber kníh vydavateľa Nosy Crow

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