From the author of the New York Times bestseller Wilder Girls comes
a twisty thriller about a girl whose past has always been a mystery
- until she decides to return to her mother's hometown, where
history has a tendency to repeat itself . . .Ever since Margot was
born, it's been just her and her mother. No answers to Margot's
questions. No history to hold on to. Just the two of them, stuck in
their run-down apartment, struggling to get along.But that's not
enough for Margot. She wants family. She wants a past. And when she
finds a photograph pointing her to a town called Phalene, she
leaves. But when Margot gets there, it's not what she bargained
for.Margot's mother left for a reason. But was it to hide her past?
Or was it to protect Margot from what's still there?Burn Our Bodies
Down is a blistering horror-thriller from YA author Rory Power that
will grip you from its very first page, and won't let you go until
long after you've put it down.
Piate pokračovanie najúspešnejšej tínedžerskej fantasy ságy
súčasnosti. Prečítajte a podľahnite sérii Trón zo skla tak ako
milióny čitateľov po celom svete! Dlhá cesta na trón sa pre Aelin
Galathynius ešte len začala. Prisahala však, že sa svojmu
kráľovstvu už nikdy neotočí chrbtom. Hlavne, ak je jediná, kto
dokáže zostaviť armádu proti Temnému kráľovi a jeho beštiám. No
Erawan neohrozuje Aelin len svojím vojskom, ale aj tieňmi z jej
minulosti, bývalými spojencami a nepriateľmi. Na obzore sa však
črtá vojna nebývalých rozmerov a Aelin sa musí rozhodnúť, koho a čo
obetuje, aby zachránila svoj svet pred úplným zničením.
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