Irreverent, witty and wise, But the Girl is a coming-of-age story
about not wanting to leave your family behind'A wonderful new novel
for a metamodern world'BRANDON TAYLOR, author of REAL LIFE'The
voice sometimes recalls Lucia Berlin, JD Salinger or Lorrie Moore
but it's entirely her own'SHARLENE TEO, author of PONTIHaving been
Jane Eyre, Anna Karenina and Esther Greenwood all my life, my
writing was an opportunity for the reader to have to be me. Girl
was born on the very day her parents and grandmother immigrated
from Malaysia to Australia. The story goes that her mother held on
tight to her pelvic muscles in an effort to gift her the privilege
of an Australian passport.But it's hard to be the embodiment of all
your family's hopes and dreams, especially in a country that's
hostile to your very existence. When Girl receives a scholarship to
travel to the UK, she is finally free for the first time. In London
and then Scotland she is meant to be working on a PhD on Sylvia
Plath and writing a postcolonial novel.But Girl can't stop thinking
about her upbringing and the stories of the people who raised her.
How can she reconcile their expectations with her reality? Did
Sylvia Plath have this problem? What even is a 'postcolonial
novel'? And what if the story of becoming yourself is not about
carving out a new identity, but learning to understand the people
who made you who you are?
Piate pokračovanie najúspešnejšej tínedžerskej fantasy ságy
súčasnosti. Prečítajte a podľahnite sérii Trón zo skla tak ako
milióny čitateľov po celom svete! Dlhá cesta na trón sa pre Aelin
Galathynius ešte len začala. Prisahala však, že sa svojmu
kráľovstvu už nikdy neotočí chrbtom. Hlavne, ak je jediná, kto
dokáže zostaviť armádu proti Temnému kráľovi a jeho beštiám. No
Erawan neohrozuje Aelin len svojím vojskom, ale aj tieňmi z jej
minulosti, bývalými spojencami a nepriateľmi. Na obzore sa však
črtá vojna nebývalých rozmerov a Aelin sa musí rozhodnúť, koho a čo
obetuje, aby zachránila svoj svet pred úplným zničením.
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