Cafe Culture

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Cafe Culture kúpite na
35,63 €
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There's something very special about being able to relish a quality espresso or expertly brewed filter coffee in beautifully designed surroundings. What is the magic formula that makes a cafe space so inviting, so successful, with a buzz in the atmosphere that's so enjoyable? Cafe Culture: For Lovers of Coffee and Good Design brings together a selection of well-crafted interior spaces by those with both a strong sense of good design aesthetics and a refined appreciation of the art of a good coffee experience. As the much-anticipated follow-up to Robert Schneider's very successful first book, Coffee Culture: hot coffee + cool spaces - design inspiration that presents coffee shop designs from across the United States, in his new book Schneider expands on the theme by showcasing a wonderful new collection of designs, this time from around the globe, including from Australia and New Zealand, Europe, China, South Korea and Japan, Britain, and North America.Richly illustrated throughout with full-colour photos that capture the feel and personality of each coffee shop, and with detailed analysis of each design and its features, along with an insightful overview of the industry trends in design across the globe, this book successfully connects an appreciation for great coffee with spaces that invite human interaction and create memories through good design.
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Búrka v impériu (Trón zo skla 5)
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