Santiago Calatrava is a world-renowned architect, structural
engineer, sculptor, and artist. From the Athens 2004 Olympic Sports
Complex to the World Trade Center Transportation Hub in Manhattan,
he exhibits a remarkable twin prowess for aesthetics and
engineering, a simultaneous sensitivity to both the appearance and
the anatomy of a structure. His influences are wide-ranging:
Auguste Rodin’s approach to sculpture and architecture, principles
of classicism and Greek Cycladic art, NASA space design, and a deep
admiration for nature, which he regards as both mother and
teacher.Thus, Calatrava’s creations are at once aerodynamic and
organic in their associations, with natural forms and human
movement informing many of his projects. He takes a particular
interest in the meeting point of equilibrium and dynamism. This
monograph gathers detailed entries, photography, and the original
watercolor sketches that set Calatrava aside as a unique creative
master.It includes all of his original collaborative input, and
projects such as the Mediopadana Station in Reggio Emilia, Italy,
the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro, as well as recent works
like the UAE Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai, St. Nicholas Greek
Church at Ground Zero in New York and Constellation, a large
scultpure at River Point Park in Chicago.Will also be available as
an Art Edition with a set of two lithographs by Santiago Calatrava
and a custom-built box, limited to 300 copies and signed by the
Piate pokračovanie najúspešnejšej tínedžerskej fantasy ságy
súčasnosti. Prečítajte a podľahnite sérii Trón zo skla tak ako
milióny čitateľov po celom svete! Dlhá cesta na trón sa pre Aelin
Galathynius ešte len začala. Prisahala však, že sa svojmu
kráľovstvu už nikdy neotočí chrbtom. Hlavne, ak je jediná, kto
dokáže zostaviť armádu proti Temnému kráľovi a jeho beštiám. No
Erawan neohrozuje Aelin len svojím vojskom, ale aj tieňmi z jej
minulosti, bývalými spojencami a nepriateľmi. Na obzore sa však
črtá vojna nebývalých rozmerov a Aelin sa musí rozhodnúť, koho a čo
obetuje, aby zachránila svoj svet pred úplným zničením.
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