'The hierarchy of caste is not about feelings or morality. It is
about power - which groups have it and which do not' Beyond race or
class, our lives are defined by a powerful, unspoken system of
divisions. In Caste, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Isabel Wilkerson
gives an astounding portrait of this hidden phenomenon. Linking
America, India and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson reveals how our world
has been shaped by caste - and how its rigid, arbitrary hierarchies
still divide us today. With clear-sighted rigour, Wilkerson
unearths the eight pillars that connect caste systems across
civilizations, and demonstrates how our own era of intensifying
conflict and upheaval has arisen as a consequence of caste. Weaving
in stories of real people, she shows how its insidious undertow
emerges every day, she documents its surprising health costs, and
she explores its effects on culture and politics. Finally,
Wilkerson points forward to the ways we can - and must - move
beyond its artificial divisions, towards our common humanity.
Beautifully written and deeply original, Caste is an eye-opening
examination of what lies beneath the surface of ordinary lives. No
one can afford to ignore the moral clarity of its insights, or its
urgent call for a freer, fairer world.
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Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Caste : The International Bestseller je 16,91 €
Tretí diel najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo skla v
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Sardothien!Celaena sa už vysporiadala s nebezpečnými protivníkmi i
so srdcom rozlámaným na márne kúsky. Teraz myslí len na pomstu, no
ako kráľova šampiónka musí slúžiť podlému tyranovi, ktorý má všetko
na svedomí. Kapitán kráľovskej gardy ju však vyšle do Wendlynu
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kľačať na kolenách. Ak dokáže Celaena prekonať samú seba, stane sa
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