Cat People: A Cat's Guide To Caring For Your Human

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Cat People: A Cat's Guide To Caring For Your Human kúpite na
18,95 €
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Krátky popis
",Simultaneously hilarious, thoughtful, and bizarre.", - Nathan W. Pyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Strange PlanetThe first collection from comic artist Hannah Hillam poses the question: What if our cats were responsible for taking care of us for a change?Following an unwitting human who finds herself in a world where humans' and cats' roles have reversed, Cat People examines the special and inscrutable relationship we have with our feline companions, revealing the delightful absurdities of both species along the way. Only the keen eyes of cats could so sharply examine the most bizarre human behaviors we don't think twice about, including grooming, eating, sleeping, working, and competing with other humans for attention and territory.By flipping the script and casting humans in the role of pet, Hannah Hillam spins an unforgettable tail of the unique love and often baffling coexistence between cats and people. ",Cat People is equal parts hilarious, adorable, and unhinged--okay, maybe a touch more unhinged. Hannah's signature art style and visceral humor are coupled with the best subject matter: cats! This is a must-buy for all cat lovers out there, especially if your beloved animal was rescued from the outside .. . or through a vomitous portal.", -Andrew Marttila, The Cat Photographer",Delightfully weird and funny, and it somehow made me a better cat owner.", -Zach Weinersmith, New York Times bestselling co-author of Soonish and A City on Mars",Such a fun read .. . with vivid imagination and remarkable attention to detail.One of the many reasons I love Hillam's work is how far she's willing to go to explore her ideas, even if it gets hilariously weird (and it usually does!).", -Cassandra Calin, author of I Left the House Today!

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Headline Publishing Group, Hannah Hillam
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