Ceramic Artists on Creative Processes: How Ideas Are Born
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The 25 featured artists explain, in their own words, the creative
processes behind their work, what inspires them, the strategies
they use to stay fresh and creative, what distinguishes their work
from that of other ceramic artists, and how they achieve this.
Through examples of their most personal creations, -objects capable
of affecting us emotionally, surprising us and making us think-,
the artists reveal important details about their ceramic creations
such as how it was made, how it was shaped and which glaze and
engobe coating they used to give the clay color and texture. The
reader is provided with an illuminating glimpse into each artist’s
unique creative world, including the defining features of their
work and some of the secrets that characterize their artistic
processes.Paragons of exploration, risk and versatility, the
extraordinary artists highlighted in this book rediscover
thousand-year-old traditions, reinvent perspectives, transcend
boundaries, tell stories and rebel from conventional expectations,
creating in the process an exhilarating space where art, clay,
water, air and fire meet and, ultimately, inspire. Some of the
ceramists included are: BELGIUM: Ann VanHoey, CHINA: Wan Liya,
NETHERLANDS: Cecil Kemperink, UK: Nicholas Lees, USA: Lauren
Nauman, among others.