Circus Book HC
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At its heyday, the American circus was the largest showbiz industry
the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling
circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show, employed
as many as 1,600 men and women, and crisscrossed the country on
20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle
ofdeath-defying daredevils, strapping superheroes and scantily clad
starlets, fearless animal trainers, and startling “freaks” gripped
the American imagination, outshining theater, vaudeville, comedy,
and minstrel shows.This book sheds fresh light on the circus
phenomenon. With photographic gems of early circus performers, as
well as original posters, lithographs, sideshow bannersand
engravings from the 16th to 19th centuries illustrating the
worldwide roots of the circus, readers are transported to a world
of thrill and skill, grit and glamor. Highlights include iconic
circus photographs by Mathew Brady, Cornell Capa, Walker Evans,
Weegee, and Lisette Model, and little-known circus images by
Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames.