Clean My Space

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Clean My Space kúpite na
21,38 €
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The wildly popular YouTube star behind Clean My Space presents the breakthrough solution to&,nbsp,cleaning better&,nbsp,with&,nbsp,less effort&,nbsp,Melissa Maker is beloved by fans all over the world for her completely re-engineered approach to cleaning. As the dynamic new authority on home and living, Melissa knows that to invest any of our precious time in cleaning, we need to see big, long-lasting results. So, she developed her method to help us get the most out of our effort and keep our homes fresh and welcoming every day.Inher long-awaited debut book,&,nbsp,she shares her revolutionary 3-step solution:&,nbsp,Identify the most important areas (MIAs) in your home that need attentionSelect the proper products, tools, and techniques (PTT) for the jobImplement these new cleaning routines so that they stickClean My Spacetakes the chore out of cleaning with Melissa sincredible tips and cleaning hacks (the power of pretreating!) her lightning fast 5-10 minute express clean routines for every room when time is tightest, and her techniques for cleaning even the most daunting places and spaces. And a big bonus: Melissa gives guidance on the best non-toxic, eco-conscious cleaning products and offers natural cleaning solution recipes you can make at home using essential oils to soothe and refresh. With Melissa s simple groundbreaking method you can truly live in a cleaner, more cheerful, and calming home all the time.",

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Avery Publishing Group, Melissa Maker
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