'Kathy Reichs has written her masterpiece' MICHAEL CONNELLY 'This
page-turning series never lets the reader down' HARLAN COBENIn a
profession like this, you're bound to make enemies . . .An eye . .
.It all starts when Dr Temperance Brennan finds a box on her porch.
Inside is a fresh human eyeball with GPS coordinates etched into
it. They lead her to a macabre discovery in a Benedictine
Monastery, and soon after she discovers a mummified corpse in a
state park.. . .for an eye There seems to be no pattern to these
killings, except that each mimics a killing connected to something
a younger Tempe experienced, or barely escaped. Someone is
targeting her, and she needs to figure out why before they strike
again. And then her daughter Katy disappears.Someone is playing a
dangerous game with Tempe. And they won't stop until they have
taken everything from her . .. Electrifying, heart-stopping and
compulsive, this is Tempe's most personal and dangerous case yet .
.. PRAISE FOR KATHY REICHS 'A thing of clever beauty - smart,
scary, complicated, and engrossing from the first sentence' MICHAEL
CONNELLY 'Reanimates all the ghosts from Temperance Brennan's
forensic past until they thoroughly haunt her present . .. This
page-turning series never lets the reader down' HARLAN COBEN
'Masterfully constructed' J.A. JANCE 'A mystery within a mystery
that invites you to get into the action, complete with twisting
turns and heart-stopping dives into the unknown .. . The crowning
achievement of a master storyteller' NELSON DeMILLE 'I await the
next Kathy Reichs' thriller with the same anticipation I have for
the new Lee Child or Patricia Cornwell' JAMES PATTERSON 'Over the
course of twenty books, Kathy Reichs and Tempe Brennan have
thrilled readers with pacey, mazey tales .. . We readers are truly
grateful' IAN RANKIN 'Reichs, skilfully using the conventions of
the mystery novel, forces the reader to face up to the obscene
realities of death time and time again.At work and a play she gets
under your skin' THE TIMES 'A thrilling read from one of my
favorite writers' KARIN SLAUGHTER 'One of the absolute best
thrillers of the year! I can't recall when this many twists have
been so masterfully woven into a novel.' JEFFERY DEAVER 'The Queen
of forensic crime' EVENING STANDARD
Tretí diel najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo skla v
hlavnej úlohe s najobávanejšou nájomnou vrahyňou Celaenou
Sardothien!Celaena sa už vysporiadala s nebezpečnými protivníkmi i
so srdcom rozlámaným na márne kúsky. Teraz myslí len na pomstu, no
ako kráľova šampiónka musí slúžiť podlému tyranovi, ktorý má všetko
na svedomí. Kapitán kráľovskej gardy ju však vyšle do Wendlynu
netušiac, že Celaenina minulosť aj budúcnosť sa skrýva práve v
ďalekom kráľovstve férov. Pomoc férskej kráľovnej má však privysokú
cenu... Kým Celaena vo Wendlyne bojuje s démonmi minulosti, v
Erilei sa na útok pripravujú nebezpečné sily. Chaol a Dorian sa
púšťajú do boja s temnotou, akú nečakali ani v najhorších nočných
morách. Obávané bosorky sa totiž spolčili s tyranským kráľom a
krvilačná Manon sa nezastaví, kým pred ňou nebude celá Erilea
kľačať na kolenách. Ak dokáže Celaena prekonať samú seba, stane sa
najväčšou hrozbou pre kráľa a jeho zem – ale aj pre seba.
Nenechajte si ujsť najpopulárnejšiu fantasy sériu súčasnosti: Trón
zo skla, Koruna z temnoty, Zrodená z ohňa... a nezabudnite na štyri
exkluzívne novely k sérii Trón zo skla!
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