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Collision kúpite na
13,25 €
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The first book in the Better series is an angsty, sexy new adult college romance from Italian bestseller and Wattpad sensation Carrie Leighton. ***There is no rose without a thorn. There is no passion without torment.Vanessa Clark, a second-year college student, has a visceral love of books and rain and an unbreakable bond with her best friends. Marked by her parents' difficult divorce, she found comfort in Travis, apparently the good guy that all mothers – including hers – would like next to their daughter. With Travis, Vanessa hopes to be able to build a happiness that she has been missing for too long now.After two years, however, even that love seems to have cracked, and only rubble remains in Vanessa's heart. At least until, in class, she meets new classmate Thomas Collins for the first time. With a body covered in tattoos, green eyes in which it is all too easy to get lost, and a troubled past, Thomas is an explosive mix of charm and arrogance.He and Vanessa, so different from each other yet deep down so similar, fit together like pieces of a puzzle, giving life to a tormented relationship made up of moments of passion and glimpses of tenderness, furious quarrels and reconciliations. But Vanessa wants more. She dreams of true, romantic and all-encompassing love, the kind of love story told in the novels that she never gets tired of reading.Thomas, on the other hand, shuns every bond, feeling as though a perennial tangle of thorns is agitated in his chest. And yet, if understanding each other is difficult, parting is impossible. Beautifully translated from the original Italian, Collision is a passion-fuelled journey for lovers of new adult books – full of enemies to lovers tension and a charming, volatile ‘opposites attract’ romance.TropesEnemies to LoversGrumpy x SunshineForbidden RomanceBad Boy RomanceOpposites AttractCollege Romance
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Kuchárska kniha, ktorú držíte v rukách, uzrela svetlo sveta v roku 1914. Bola prvá svojho druhu na Slovensku a zostavila ju spisovateľka a etnografka Terézia Vansová (1857 - 1942). Predstavila v nej vyše 900 receptov slovenských gazdiniek z prelomu 19. a 20. storočia. Odvtedy vyšla táto mimoriadna kniha v niekoľkých vydaniach, naposledy v r. 1998. Teraz vám ju opäť ponúkame v podobe, v akej ju v roku 1930 vydal nakladateľ a kníhkupec F. Klimeš v Liptovskom sv. Mikuláši. Tak ako majú svoju nezameniteľnú chuť a vôňu tradičné slovenské jedlá, má svoj pôvab aj náš materinský jazyk spred desaťročí. Mnohé jedlá z čias našich prastarých materí sa na Slovensku pripravujú dodnes, no písomná podoba vtedajšej slovenčiny už nenávratne patrí minulosti. Vychutnajte si ju spolu s jedlami z tejto jedinečnej knihy.