Come Back For Me

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WILL YOU UNCOVER THE TRUTH?The breathtaking new thriller from the author of the Richard and Judy bestseller NOW YOU SEE HER____________________________A DEADLY DISCOVERY. AN ISLAND WRAPPED IN SECRETS. A tiny community is stunned when long-buried body is found.For Stella Harvey the news is doubly shocking. The body has been uncovered in the garden of her childhood home - the home her family fled without explanation twenty-five years ago. Desperate to unearth the truth, Stella returns to the isolated island.But the community she left isn't as welcoming as she remembers - and people will go to any length to protect their secrets. One thing rings true... You can't bury the truth forever.____________________________'A highly addictive and thrilling read.' HEAT'Subtly, elegantly told, and with enough twists to satisfy any detective fan, it is razor sharp and impossible to put down.' DAILY MAIL____________________________Fans love Heidi's latest five-star thriller:'This is a read not to be missed!!!''Family secrets, mystery and intrigue. This is the perfect book that won't disappoint''A surprising plot and lots of twists with interesting characters. I loved the writing style and the setting of the story''Come Back For Me is easily the best thriller I've read in a long time''Lots of twists and turns, guaranteed page-turner that keeps you guessing until the end''Come Back For Me was a really engaging and addictive read, about family secrets, a tight-knit community and family ties''Fascinating family drama with more than a hint of psychological thriller''A fantastic thriller that grabbed me from the start''Full of twists and turns, this book will have you riveted to every surprise event''I literally finished this book in a few hours - I couldn't tell myself to put it down.''Perks has a real knack for throwing red herrings at the readers - I had a long list of suspects and theories, but she still managed to pull it out of the bag and surprise me''If you're looking for a thriller with plenty of mystery and intrigue, you've got the perfect book here''The twists and turns held me rapt throughout, and when it was all revealed it left me a bit gobsmacked.And very shocked!''This book had me gripped from the start, will be looking at more from this author.''What really sets Heidi Perks' stories apart is that the stories are thought provoking. The characters and situations will stay with you long after you have finished the last page.''The combination of a strong story, realistic characters and brilliant writing gives you one of the best books I've read in the last year''An absolute cracker of a read.''This is a must have for your holiday reading pile.''Another gem from Heidi Perks!''Keeps you reading late into the night!'
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