The #1 New York Times Best Seller!IACP Award WinnerWant to bake the
most-awesome-ever cupcakes? Or surprise your family with breakfast
tacos on Sunday morning? Looking for a quick snack after school? Or
maybe something special for a sleepover? It's all here. Learn to
cook like a pro--it's easier than you think.For the first time
ever, America's Test Kitchen is bringing their scientific know-how,
rigorous testing, and hands-on learning to KIDS in the kitchen!
Using kid-tested and approved recipes, America's Test Kitchen has
created THE cookbook every kid chef needs on their shelf. Whether
you're cooking for yourself, your friends, or your family, The
Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs has delicious recipes that will
wow! Recipes were thoroughly tested by more than 750 kids to get
them just right for cooks of all skill levels--including recipes
for breakfast, snacks and beverages, dinners, desserts, and more.
Step-by-step photos of tips and techniques will help young chefs
feel like pros in their own kitchen Testimonials (and even some
product reviews!) from kid test cooks who worked alongside
America's Test Kitchen will encourage young chefs that they truly
are learning the best recipes from the best cooks.By empowering
young chefs to make their own choices in the kitchen, America's
Test Kitchen is building a new generation of confident cooks,
engaged eaters, and curious experimenters.
Kuchárska kniha, ktorú držíte v rukách, uzrela svetlo sveta v roku
1914. Bola prvá svojho druhu na Slovensku a zostavila ju
spisovateľka a etnografka Terézia Vansová (1857 - 1942).
Predstavila v nej vyše 900 receptov slovenských gazdiniek z prelomu
19. a 20. storočia. Odvtedy vyšla táto mimoriadna kniha v
niekoľkých vydaniach, naposledy v r. 1998. Teraz vám ju opäť
ponúkame v podobe, v akej ju v roku 1930 vydal nakladateľ a
kníhkupec F. Klimeš v Liptovskom sv. Mikuláši. Tak ako majú svoju
nezameniteľnú chuť a vôňu tradičné slovenské jedlá, má svoj pôvab
aj náš materinský jazyk spred desaťročí. Mnohé jedlá z čias našich
prastarých materí sa na Slovensku pripravujú dodnes, no písomná
podoba vtedajšej slovenčiny už nenávratne patrí minulosti.
Vychutnajte si ju spolu s jedlami z tejto jedinečnej knihy.
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