Knihu Contemporary Art aktuálne nie je možné zakúpiť v žiadnom z porovnávaných e-shopov...
Krátky popis
A plain speaking, jargon-free account of contemporary art that
identifies key themes and approaches, providing the reader with a
clear understanding of the contexts in which art is being made
today. Since the 1960s contemporary art has overturned the accepted
historical categorizations of what constitutes art, who creates it,
and how it is represented and validated. This guide brings the
subject right up-to-date, exploring the notion of 'contemporary'
and what it means in the present as well as how it came
about.Curator and writer Natalie Rudd explains the many aspects of
contemporary art, from its backstory to today, including different
approaches, media and recurring themes. Each chapter addresses a
core question, explored via an accessible narrative and supported
by an analysis of six relevant works. Rudd also looks at the role
of the art market and its structures, including art fairs and
biennales and how these have developed since the millennium, the
expanded role of the contemporary artist as personality, how
artists are untangling historical and contemporary narratives to
expose inequalities, the ethics of making, and the potential for
art to improve the world and effect political change.A 'toolkit'
section offers advice on how to interpret contemporary art and
where to access it. Offering a more multi-narrative and
international perspective, this guide discusses what motivates
artists as they try to make sense of the world, and their place
within it.
Pôvabná knižka nielen pre deti, ale pre všetkých, ktorí chcú deťom
porozumieť. Toto dielko dosiahlo svetový úspech a patrí do zlatého
fondu svetovej literatúry. Jeho hodnota a krása nespočíva len v
peknom rozprávkovom príbehu, ale hlavne v myšlienkach, ktoré ako
vzácne kamienky vytvárajú obraz ľudských vlastností...
Saint-Exupéry svoju knižku s čistým detským pohľadom na svet
venoval najlepšiemu priateľovi. Veď všetci dospelí boli najprv
deťmi. Ale máloktorý z nich sa na to pamätá.
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