Books about advertising are, more often than not, supposed to act
as sources of inspiration. Copy Paste daringly takes the opposite
tack.&,nbsp, It is not that the hoards of adverts compiled here
are lacking in artistic merit. Au Contraire! The showcased
advertisements have been presented at major industry conferences
and have won prestigious awards. Another common trait among the
campaigns that Copy Paste presents is that all of them are
reproductions. Whether that is the result of deliberate plagiarism
or unlucky coincidence remains an open question. Copy Paste
provides the images and allows the reader to make the judgment
call.&,nbsp, A visual lesson in originality: selected campaigns
possess unique hashtags that allow readers to interact with Joe la
Pompe’s extensive research, cast their opinion online, and make
their own judgements.Copy Paste, Joe la Pompe’s third book,
campaigns for more creativity. Through over six hundred ad
campaigns featuring under three hundred original concepts, the
volume begs the question: coincidence, phenomenon, or shameless
plagiarism? To decide, you will have to read it – at least
twice.For nearly 20 years, Joe la Pompe has pursued a passion for
uncovering identical adverts that flaunt identical ideas and
concepts, but that originate from different countries and periods.
Joe la Pompe brings them face to face in the most simple and
possible striking way. Working undercover with the help of his
iconic mask, today, he is the world’s best known “copycat hunter”.
The French blogger is followed by advertisers from around the world
who love his revelations though their admiration may swiftly change
to bitterness once he catches them.
Kuchárska kniha, ktorú držíte v rukách, uzrela svetlo sveta v roku
1914. Bola prvá svojho druhu na Slovensku a zostavila ju
spisovateľka a etnografka Terézia Vansová (1857 - 1942).
Predstavila v nej vyše 900 receptov slovenských gazdiniek z prelomu
19. a 20. storočia. Odvtedy vyšla táto mimoriadna kniha v
niekoľkých vydaniach, naposledy v r. 1998. Teraz vám ju opäť
ponúkame v podobe, v akej ju v roku 1930 vydal nakladateľ a
kníhkupec F. Klimeš v Liptovskom sv. Mikuláši. Tak ako majú svoju
nezameniteľnú chuť a vôňu tradičné slovenské jedlá, má svoj pôvab
aj náš materinský jazyk spred desaťročí. Mnohé jedlá z čias našich
prastarých materí sa na Slovensku pripravujú dodnes, no písomná
podoba vtedajšej slovenčiny už nenávratne patrí minulosti.
Vychutnajte si ju spolu s jedlami z tejto jedinečnej knihy.
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