Criss Cross

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Krátky popis
'Sensationally plotted, it leaps off the page and grabs you by the throat' DAILY MAIL 'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it.' LEE CHILD, international bestselling author of the Jack Reacher seriesFrom the author of Sunday Times No. 1 bestseller The President is Missing__________________________________Could a ghost from his past take everything away from Alex Cross? Mere hours after witnessing the execution of a killer he helped put behind bars, Alex Cross is called to the scene of a copycat murder.A note signed 'M' rests on the corpse: 'You messed up big time, Dr. Cross.' Was an innocent man just put to death? As the executed convict's family launch a vicious campaign against Cross, his abilities as a detective are called into question. The enigmatic 'M' lures Cross out of Washington, DC to the sites of multiple homicides, all marked with distressingly familiar details that conjure up decades-old cases and Cross family secrets. Details that make it clear M is after a prize so dear that - were the killer to attain it - Cross's life would be destroyed.__________________________________'Alex Cross is a legend.' HARLAN COBEN Early readers say it's one of the best Alex Cross books yet: 'I have to say that this is one of my favourite Alex Cross books in a long time!''I read this book in one sitting and highly recommend it. I've read every single Alex Cross book and this one didn't disappoint.It has a great mix of new cases linked to old cases for Cross.''Romped through the latest Alex Cross book! Great read that I just couldn't put down.''An intriguing storyline involving the Cross family and enemies from his past. A must read for Patterson fans.''As always with James Patterson, he had me from the first page, and kept the pace up to the last.''Roll on the next instalment.''I absolutely loved this book and once I started reading I just couldn't put it down. It's a fast-paced read, no time to take a break or breathe out as the situations and mysteries are on a roll and unstoppable.''A great addition to the Cross series by the most known author in the world for mystery thrillers''James Patterson is back at the top of his game with this one.''I'm a massive fan of the Alex Cross series so I jumped at the chance to review the latest installment, and I'm so pleased it didn't disappoint.It's action-packed right from the start and had me gripped straight away. ''This book is fast paced with lots of twists and turns. My first James Patterson but not my last, really enjoyed and so will you.''I have long been a fan of the author and his long running Alex Cross series and this book does not disappoint .''I think this one constitutes a must read for fans of Patterson and Dr Cross.'
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