Curse of the Chosen Vol 2

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Curse of the Chosen Vol 2 kúpite na
18,95 €
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The dramatic and hotly anticipated conclusion to Alexis Deacon's original Geis trilogy, featuring new branding and a format designed to sit alongside Curse of the Chosen Volume 1. As the great chief matriarch lay dying, she gave one final decree: Upon her death there would be a contest. Having no heir of her own blood she called on the Gods.Let fate decide the one truly worthy to rule in her place. The rich, the strong, the wise, the powerful, many put forward their names in hope of being chosen. But when the night came...only fifty souls alone were chosen. As Io's quest reaches its deadly and dramatic conclusion, things are not all as they seem in the sorceress' game for the right to rule. Still trapped inside the torturous nightmares within the castle, who will remain in the battle for the throne, and which of the chosen will be lost along the way? Or will they fail in their attempts to escape the horrors within?Alexis Deacon draws his Geis trilogy to an epic and emotive conclusion in this newly branded volume, packed to the rafters with his beautiful artwork and gripping storytelling.
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