Daisy Jones & The Six

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THE SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA Daily Mirror best fiction pick of 2019A Daily Express best book of 2019'I LOVE it . . .I can't remember the last time I read a book that was so fun' DOLLY ALDERTON____________________________________They were the new icons of rock and roll, fated to burn bright and not fade away. But on 12 July 1979, it all came crashing down. There was Daisy, rock and roll force of nature, brilliant songwriter and unapologetic drug addict, the half-feral child who rose to superstardom.There was Camila, the frontman's wife, too strong-willed to let the band implode - and all too aware of the electric connection between her husband and Daisy. There was Karen, ice-cool keyboardist, a ferociously independent woman in a world that wasn't ready for her. And there were the men surrounding them: the feuding, egotistical Dunne brothers, the angry guitarist chafing on the sidelines, the drummer binge-drinking on his boat, the bassist trying to start a family amid a hedonistic world tour.They were creative minds striking sparks from each other, ready to go up in flames. It's never just about the music... _________________'Brace for 2019's first pop-culture sensation .. . we're not exaggerating .. . new obsession, incoming' TELEGRAPH'Utterly believable .. . fantastically enjoyable' THE TIMES'Pitch perfect' SUNDAY TIMES'Reads like an addictive Netflix documentary meets A Star Is Born - despite being utterly fictional.It's also a call-to-arms that when you find your niche, don't doubt, embrace it.' EMERALD STREET'The verdict: Daisy Jones steals the limelight... A zeitgeist book for 2019' STYLIST'Well observed, sensitively told . .. a great read.' WILL GOMPERTZ, BBC'A tremendously engaging, and completely believable tale of rock and roll excess... inventive, persuasive and completely satisfying.' DYLAN JONES'I spent a lost weekend in this book.Daisy Jones is an instant icon.' ERIN KELLY'DAISY JONES &,amp, THE SIX is a transporting novel - at once a love story, a glimpse into the combustible inner workings of a rock-and-roll band, and a pitch-perfect recreation of the music scene of the Fleetwood Mac era. You'll never want it to end.' CECILIA AHERN'Once in a blue moon you get to discover a book you end up pressing upon many other people to read. Taylor Jenkins Reid has got every nuance, every detail exact and right.I loved every word.' PAUL REES'So brilliantly written I thought all the characters were real . . .I couldn't put it down' EDITH BOWMAN'Explosive . . .a gorgeous novel and a ravishing read.' CHARLOTTE HEATHCOTE, SUNDAY EXPRESS'Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? You bet, but it's Daisy's refusal to become a mere muse that powers this buzzy music-industry romance.' HEPHZIBAH ANDERSON, MAIL ON SUNDAY'The characters leap off the page, seducing you with their dramas, and making you wish the band was real.' HEAT'The heady haze of the 70s music scene, and a perfectly flawed Daisy, combine to create a fresh, rock n roll read. I loved it.' ALI LAND, author of Good Me Bad Me
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