To commit the perfect murder, you need the perfect cover. On an icy
morning, a mother wakes to find her daughter's blood-soaked body
frozen to the road. Who would carry out such a killing on the
victim's doorstep?Straight off her last harrowing case, Detective
Erika Foster is feeling fragile but determined to lead the
investigation.As she sets to work, she finds reports of assaults in
the same quiet South London suburb where the woman was killed. One
chilling detail links them to the murder victim - they were all
attacked by a figure in black wearing a gas mask. Erika is on the
hunt for a killer with a terrifying calling card.The case gets more
complicated when she uncovers a tangled web of secrets surrounding
the death of the beautiful young woman. Yet just as Erika begins to
piece the clues together, she is forced to confront painful
memories of her past. Erika must dig deep, stay focused and find
the killer.Only this time, one of her own is in terrible danger...
From the global million-copy bestselling author comes a totally
heart-racing, hold-your-breath read that will keep you hooked until
the very last page. Read what everyone is saying about Deadly
Secrets:'It was absolutely brilliant!...the story keeps you in
suspense right to the end with more red herrings than you can shake
a stick at. I honestly didn't guess who it was until the reveal
actually happened, and loved the twist - very cleverly done!'
Stardust Book Reviews'I love how the author doesn't give anything
away and kept me guessing throughout. I truly had no idea who could
be behind the killings and when all is revealed, with some shocking
twists, it won't be what you are expecting! ...a thrilling and
addictive read that chilled me to the bone.' By the Letter Book
Reviews'Simply Splendid!! This is another fabulous story by Robert
Bryndza.He certainly has a talent when it comes to writing
entertaining thrillers.' Goodreads Reviewer'This newest installment
has exactly the same high quality of writing, plot development,
twists and the healthy dose of suspense and action I have become
used to with this series. I found myself hooked right from the very
first page as there is just something about the writing that draws
you right in.' It's All About Books
Tretí diel najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo skla v
hlavnej úlohe s najobávanejšou nájomnou vrahyňou Celaenou
Sardothien!Celaena sa už vysporiadala s nebezpečnými protivníkmi i
so srdcom rozlámaným na márne kúsky. Teraz myslí len na pomstu, no
ako kráľova šampiónka musí slúžiť podlému tyranovi, ktorý má všetko
na svedomí. Kapitán kráľovskej gardy ju však vyšle do Wendlynu
netušiac, že Celaenina minulosť aj budúcnosť sa skrýva práve v
ďalekom kráľovstve férov. Pomoc férskej kráľovnej má však privysokú
cenu... Kým Celaena vo Wendlyne bojuje s démonmi minulosti, v
Erilei sa na útok pripravujú nebezpečné sily. Chaol a Dorian sa
púšťajú do boja s temnotou, akú nečakali ani v najhorších nočných
morách. Obávané bosorky sa totiž spolčili s tyranským kráľom a
krvilačná Manon sa nezastaví, kým pred ňou nebude celá Erilea
kľačať na kolenách. Ak dokáže Celaena prekonať samú seba, stane sa
najväčšou hrozbou pre kráľa a jeho zem – ale aj pre seba.
Nenechajte si ujsť najpopulárnejšiu fantasy sériu súčasnosti: Trón
zo skla, Koruna z temnoty, Zrodená z ohňa... a nezabudnite na štyri
exkluzívne novely k sérii Trón zo skla!
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