William Shakespeare found dozens of different ways to kill off his
characters, and audiences today still enjoy the same reactions -
shock, sadness, fear - that they did more than 400 years ago when
these plays were first performed. But how realistic are these
deaths, and did Shakespeare have the knowledge to back them up?In
the Bard's day death was a part of everyday life. Plague,
pestilence and public executions were a common occurrence, and the
chances of seeing a dead or dying body on the way home from the
theatre were high.It was also a time of important scientific
progress. Shakespeare kept pace with anatomical and medical
advances, and he included the latest scientific discoveries in his
work, from blood circulation to treatments for syphilis. He
certainly didn't shy away from portraying the reality of death on
stage, from the brutal to the mundane, and the spectacular to the
silly.Elizabethan London provides the backdrop for Death by
Shakespeare, as Kathryn Harkup turns her discerning scientific eye
to the Bard and the varied and creative ways his characters die.
Was death by snakebite as serene as Shakespeare makes out? Could
lack of sleep have killed Lady Macbeth? Can you really murder
someone by pouring poison in their ear? Kathryn investigates what
actual events may have inspired Shakespeare, what the accepted
scientific knowledge of the time was, and how Elizabethan audiences
would have responded to these death scenes. Death by Shakespeare
will tell you all this and more in a rollercoaster of Elizabethan
carnage, poison, swordplay and bloodshed, with an occasional death
by bear-mauling for good measure.
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